New Hampshire
Do you need support?
Investing in Electric Vehicles (EV) and EV charging is a great way for your town, business, or organization to save money and enjoy the benefits of renewable energy systems. Thanks to a variety of government tax credits, rebates, and utility programs offered in Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, installing EV charging infrastructure is more affordable than ever.
Need some help navigating incentives for your project? Get in touch with our team today.
30C Tax Credit Details
Who can apply: Businesses and tax-exempt entities in qualified locations (check out this mapping tool to see if you qualify).
Benefits: The base credit is 6% of eligible costs, up to $100,000 per item, but organizations can qualify for up to 30% as long as they:
Elective Pay for Tax-exempt Entities: Created by the Inflation Reduction Act, this program allows non-profits and local governments to benefit from clean energy tax credits, making them effectively refundable. Eligible entities can claim the full value of the tax credit on their annual informational return filed with the IRS, and the Treasury Department will pay the entity the value of the credit.
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Act Details
As currently configured, the government has allocated $5 billion over 5 years to develop a DC Fast Charging Infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors. Each state submitted plans, which were accepted, detailing how they will use their funds. For further details on your state's plans, see the links below. There will be an additional $2.5 billion in federal discretionary funding released, which includes support for Level 2 charging. Each state will have different processes for the allocation and utilization of these funds.
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant Details
The Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program offers up to $1.3 billion to set up publicly accessible EV charging and alternative fueling stations. The CFI Program works with the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program to ensure full coverage. While NEVI provides funds to states for developing EV infrastructure along Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs), the CFI Program offers competitive grants to address infrastructure gaps and support more fueling options. Together, these programs aim to build a nationwide, accessible EV charging network.
Businesses can take advantage of NEVI and CFI program funding to host public EV charging stations at no cost. By partnering with ReVision, they effectively lease their property for the installation, ownership, and operation of these charging stations.
DC Fast Chargers for EVs on CFI Corridors Details
Level 2 EV Chargers for Multifamily Buildings Details
Level 2 EV Chargers for Large Workplaces Details
Level 2 EV Chargers for Community Locations Details
Level 2 EV Chargers for Regional Service Centers Details
South Portland Economic and Sustainable Development Grants Details
NHEC 2024 Commercial and Municipal EV Charging Station Program
Eversource, National Grid, and Unitil offer incentive and rebate programs to cover EV charging installation costs for businesses, multi-unit dwellings, workplaces, and fleet facilities. There are increased rebate amounts are available for applicants located in Massachusetts environmental justice communities.
Public and Workplace EV Charging Program.
Multi-Unit Dwelling EV Charging Program.
Fleet EV Charging Program.
Available EV Charging Programs (Public and Workplace, Multi-Unit Dwelling, and Fleet).
Available EV Charging Programs.
MassEVIP incentives offer alternatives for organizations not covered by National Grid, Eversource, or Unitil's "Make-Ready" programs.
MassEVIP Workplace and Fleet Charging Details
MassEVIP Public Access Charging Details
MassEVIP Multi-Unit and Educational Campus Charging Details
ReVision Merch