Community Solar

Lower your operating costs and carbon footprint with local community solar.

commercial-community-solar.jpegTransition your business to solar power without installing solar panels on your roof or property! Businesses in Maine can access the full benefits of going solar by joining a local Community Solar Farm (CSF). Currently available in Maine.

Rooftop solar offers the ability to generate power literally from your rooftop, but for many businesses this isn’t always a feasible option. By joining a community solar farm you can lock in your electricity rate for years, protecting your business from rate hikes and lowering your operating costs. 

Community solar is power built by Locals, for Local Businesses, and its benefits are felt directly by New England communities. Community solar works great for:

  • Businesses who don’t own their building.
  • Businesses who may be moving locations.
  • Businesses who don’t have a good location to add solar panels.

If you're interested in learning more about community solar for businesses, use the form below to contact our Solar Advisor team.

ReVision Energy builds a large-scale, ownership-model solar farm at an ideal solar location, working with the landowner or local organizations to responsibly site the solar project. Businesses (as well as homes) join the farm by purchasing shares of different sizes. Power generated from the solar farm feeds into the grid, which is then distributed to the members of the solar farm. 

Simply put, if the entire CSF is 1000 kW and you purchase a 50 kW share, then you own 5% of the solar farm, and 5% of the kWh produced by that solar farm show up as credits on your electricity bill. 

If you are interested in hosting a solar farm on your property, learn more about our land lease program here.

Community Solar Farm Ownership

Sopo-landfill-400x300.jpgOur ownership model provides the greatest long-term value for small businesses. It has all the financial advantages of installing rooftop solar – the full tax credit, REC sales, and savings on your electric bill. The only difference is that the panels are off-site.

Benefits of Ownership:
  • You (the owner) receive the full financial benefit of the federal tax credit.
  • You lock in the lowest 25-year cost of power by buying at a fixed price.
  • You receive long-term support and maintenance from a local Maine company (that’s us!)
  • You can purchase upfront or finance with 0% down, low-interest loan product.

All solar farms developed by ReVision keep the benefits of solar power local and invested in our communities, as well as helping the Mainers who host the solar farms, like farmer Peter Curra. 

We have been building solar farms in Maine for over ten years— including the very first community-owned solar farm project in Maine! — and are comprised of a community of 350+ employee owners who live and work in our local communities. 

There are numerous benefits of Community Solar for businesses, their customers, and their greater communities:

  1. Your membership supports the build-out of more clean-power generating solar farms.
  2. Solar farms reduce the need for fossil fuel plants and large transmission line projects.
  3. You save money while helping to build a better world for future generations.

Get in touch with our Solar Advisor team using the form below.

1. Contact Info
2. A couple more things
3. Your electric bill

An essential step in designing a solar array is an evaluation of your electric needs. Uploading all pages of a recent electric bill will help jumpstart the process and lead to a more meaningful conversation when we connect with you!

Drag & Drop your files or Browse