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ReVision Energy is excited to announce a new partnership with Seacoast Area Renewable Energy Initiative (SEAREI) and the KEYS towns - Kittery , Eliot , York and South Berwick, Maine - Solarize Seacoast Maine !
Solarize efforts are a national strategy for local communities to greatly increase the amount of solar in an area with, essentially, a 'group buy' - a solar contractor is selected and offers a discount to a group of homes and businesses based on the # of people who sign up. The people who get solar benefit from a competitive installed price and the installer benefits from the efficiency of doing a lot of projects in a specific area.
After a competitive RFP process, SEAREI's independent selection committee chose ReVision Energy unanimously as the vendor for the Solarize Seacoast Maine Program. From Aug 1 - Dec 31, 2016, anyone in the towns of Kittery, Eliot, York, or South Berwick who signs up for a solar array with ReVision Energy will qualify for a discount tier and special Solarize Seacoast Maine pricing.
Solarize Seacoast Maine officially kicks off with launch events in each of the participating towns:
If you already have solar through ReVision, we'd love to say hi to you, or, bring a friend! We'll have solar designers available during the event to help walk homeowners through the early stages of solar - how large a system do you need, does your roof face south, how the Solarize pricing works, etc. Bring an electric bill if you attend the event.
Learn more about Solarize Seacoast Maine on our dedicated website.
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