New Hampshire
Do you need support?
A recently installed 7kw solar electric array in Hopkington, New Hampshire... the type of system threatened by the $51 million raid on renewable energy rebates proposed by NH's Republican-dominated House of Representatives
The NH State House has voted in favor of a budget that would raid $51 million of funding from New Hampshire's renewable energy fund to close a budget gap. This move flies in the face of broadly supported, bipartisan clean energy policies that have supported hundreds of solar jobs in New Hampshire and brought millions of dollars of private investment into the state.
This potentially disastrous move comes just as New Hampshire's renewable policy was showing signs of progress - several bills attacking the RPS have been defeated this session, and the Governor's left the renewable energy funds alone completely and balanced the budget using more responsible tools.
The raid on renewable energy funds to plug holes elsewhere in the budget is not unprecedented in New Hampshire - previously over $16 million has been raided - but the amount the House has suggested is totally a whole other order of magnitude. Should this move be allowed to take place, it would wipe out all renewable energy rebates in the Granite State.
The New Hampshire Sustainability Energy Association minces no words, stating that the House budget will have "devastating effects on our economy, threatening thousands of jobs and depriving towns and businesses of much-needed assistance to lower their energy costs, lower local property taxes, and keep our energy dollars here in NH's economy. House leadership has turned its back on its own public pledge to create a sensible budget for NH without raiding dedicated funds, using accounting gimmicks, or by raising new taxes. Raiding the dedicated renewable energy fund will strip ratepayer funds intended for cost-saving and job-creating energy projects, thereby creating a hidden energy tax."
If you wish to carefully compare the two budgets, see the Governor's budget here and the House budget here .
The next step in NH's budget process is to send the House budget to the Senate, and then on to committee of conference. The committee is tasked with getting the Governor's budget aligned with the budgets of the Senate and House of Representatives, which are currently very out of sync. A final bill must be passed by June 25 by both Bodies, in order to be ratified by the Governor in time for the beginning of the July 1st fiscal year.
What can you do? See to find out how your Representatives voted. Then go to: , look up your legislators' info, and let them know what you think of this attack on renewable energy funding! We encourage you to reach out to your Senators and to Governor Maggie Hassan directly; let them know that renewable energy is important to you and that there are other ways to balance the budget that don't require wholesale appropriation of the renewable energy fund.
Some important points to share:
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