New Hampshire
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Floor-mounted Mitsubishi Electric air source heat pump installed in the office of Planson International in New Gloucester.
Efficiency Maine has announced that its popular program for heat pumps for business are back! A $500 rebate is available for single units and $250 is available for additional units. Here are the full details from the Efficiency Maine memo:
Effective August 1, 2015, the ductless mini-split heat pump measure will be available once again. This measure was very popular last year, seeing 1,015 single zone heat pumps installed in more than 400 commercial buildings (not counting multifamily apartments). This year, we will apply the following eligibility criteria and incentives (please visit the Qualified Partner website for additional information): Eligibility Criteria: Single-Zone: HSPF >= 12.0 BTU/Wh Multi-Zone: HSPF >= 10.0 BTU/Wh Incentives: 1 zone: $500 2 zones: $750 3 zones: $1,000 4+ zones: $1,250
Effective August 1, 2015, the ductless mini-split heat pump measure will be available once again. This measure was very popular last year, seeing 1,015 single zone heat pumps installed in more than 400 commercial buildings (not counting multifamily apartments). This year, we will apply the following eligibility criteria and incentives (please visit the Qualified Partner website for additional information):
Eligibility Criteria: Single-Zone: HSPF >= 12.0 BTU/Wh Multi-Zone: HSPF >= 10.0 BTU/Wh
Incentives: 1 zone: $500 2 zones: $750 3 zones: $1,000 4+ zones: $1,250
Heat pumps are a great way to reduce heating and cooling costs for a business, and are whisper-quiet, making them appropriate for any number of applications, especially professional services firms like real estate offices, medical / dentist offices, lawyers, etc. See our profile of Planson International who recently converted their global IT company into being 100% solar powered and heated/cooled with heat pumps.