New Hampshire
Do you need support?
Success! The NH Senate has approved HB 1116 (increasing retail net metering cap). The bill is on its way to Gov Maggie Hassan for her signature.
The Governor has already made her support clear, saying: "Solar is one of many clean energy resources in New Hampshire that contributes to a diverse and reliable energy supply, and businesses and families across the state are utilizing solar to lower their energy bills and to increase their energy independence. The success of New Hampshire's clean energy economy is creating good-paying, high-quality jobs, spurring economic development and helping combat climate change, and New Hampshire recently ranked as one of the top-five renewable energy states."
Until the bill has final approval, we are still taking new solar projects and getting them on utility waitlists for prompt build-out once the log jam opens. There should be ample capacity in the upgraded retail net metering queue for new customers, however, it is not unlimited, and we expect a 'rush' of demand, so people serious about going solar in 2016 should get in touch with us ASAP to get the process moving forward.
Thank you to all solar advocates who've made a stand, and for the many diverse voices in NH's legislature who have stood up to support sensible energy policy.
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