New Hampshire
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Fedco Seeds worker members
Fedco Seeds employees line up in front of the new solar array powering their operations in Clinton, Maine. The 54.6kw solar array will provide for roughly 94% of the company's electricity.
The nearly 40-year old seed company is one of a very few in the country that are cooperatively organized. Because they do not have an individual owner or beneficiary, profit is not the organization's primary goal. Consumers own 60% of the cooperative and worker members 40%. Consumer and worker members share proportionately in the cooperative's profits through annual patronage dividends.
We are grateful for Fedco Seeds for their solar investment - heartily supported by their members! - for both the symbolic as well as practically implications of one of the country's most revered seed companies literally powering their seed-growing from the sun.
Dig into Fedco's catalog online at:
Their robust catalog includes vegetable, herb and flower seeds, organic growers supply, trees and plants for spring, tubers and seed potatoes, and bulbs and plants for fall.