New Hampshire
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Jude Nuru is ReVision Energy’s Director of Community Solar Initiatives for Low and Moderate Income (LMI) communities. Though he previously worked on community solar projects with schools and nonprofits, his recent focus has shifted to working with organizations serving underserved populations to help bring zero cost community solar to their members. His target clients include but not limited to Resident-Owned Communities (ROCs)/Mobile Home Parks, Public Housing Authorities, Affordable Housing, Energy Burden Communities (communities of color and low-income families), Homeless Shelters, Community/Soup Kitchens, Immigrant/Refugee Communities, Tribal Nations, Indigenous Communities and just about any entity serving underserved populations. Jude is one of the most experienced experts on LMI community solar programs in New Hampshire.
Jude's interest in renewable energy began when he enrolled in an energy management graduate program at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, a city reputed to be the oasis of UK energy resources and the oil capital of Europe. While his program of study included oil and gas courses, he developed greater interest in energy and environmental policy. He later led a team to consult for W3G Marine Energy Ltd, a UK-based energy company with focus on offshore energy resources development including wind energy. In his quest to expand his knowledge in renewable energy and help in the global energy transition efforts, he later enrolled at Antioch University New England to pursue its unique graduate concentration program where he researched into the benefits of community solar projects. Recently, he was part of a team from Antioch University New England that provided consultancy services to NorthStar as part of the decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant located in Vernon, VT. He currently serves on the City of Keene Energy and Climate Committee.
Jude earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from University of Ghana, a Master of Science degree in Energy Management from Robert Gordon University, Scotland, a Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies and a Doctorate degree in Environmental Studies from Antioch University New England, Keene.
In the summer, he enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including kayaking, biking, swimming, and artisanal fishing.
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