New Hampshire
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Beth joined Revision in 2021, after a long career in land conservation and management, working for the Forest Society, NH Fish and Game, Ausbon Sargent Land Trust and most recently as Executive Director of Five Rivers Conservation Trust. Her background in forestry, with a degree from UNH, lead her to land conservation. Her love of the land, concern about climate change and belief that Revision Energy is a company with staying power brought her to us as a customer in 2011 for her first solar installation - a hot water system, a PV system that produced enough solar energy to power her whole home. She came back again to expand the system when she purchased a plug in hybrid car, and in 2023 she tripled the size of her system to power 3 electric vehicles. Her interest in solar came initially from a high school physic project. She is a "solar champion", who has recommended Revision to many of her friends and hosted open houses to help others learn how they can harness the sun.
Ten years after Revision installed her first system, she turned her conservation values to expanding solar energy to mitigate climate change. As our NH Solar Project Developer, Beth uses her knowledge of land to help Revision site community-scale solar installations that contribute to the transition away from fossil fuel.
In her free time, Beth and her wife Ruth cut and haul all of the wood that heats their net zero energy home. They harness the sun and the miracle of tiny seeds to grow much of their own fruits and vegetables and they raise chickens for eggs at their homestead in Canterbury, NH. Beth loves to be outdoors walking, hiking, canoeing or just wandering around in the woods.