Refer Family & Friends

Share the Sun Referral Program

share the sun.pngThanks for being a Solar Champion with ReVision Energy. Now you can spread the joy of renewable energy with friends and family, and help us grow our mission to build a better world for all!

We know people are more likely to make powerful life changes (like transitioning to renewable energy technologies) when they are inspired by those around them. By referring a friend or neighbor, you can help us empower our communities to tackle the environmental and financial issues caused by fossil fuels, and achieve clean energy independence. 

Here’s How it Works:

  1. Submit friend’s details (if your friend reaches out to us directly, just have them mention your name!) 
  2. Friend confirms a site visit (for ANY technology: heat pumps, solar, community solar, battery storage, hot water heaters)
  3. Friend gets customized proposal
  4. Friend has any type of project installed → You get a check for $250!
  5. You've helped reduce our community's fossil fuel dependence!

Use the form below to submit referrals (it only takes a minute). If your friend/family moves forward with a project of any type, you’ll earn $250.

*There is one $250 bonus per new customer, regardless of how many technologies they install.*

Questions? Email us:

(If you email us, please include your address and phone number in the email so our Solar Advisors can connect you with the right branch!)


Join our the Share the Sun Program:

Person Making Referral

All about the person who is referring their family or friend to ReVision:

Person Being Referred

All about the person who wants to learn more about solar!


Which technologies are they interested in? (select all that apply)