Employee-Owner | Solar Design Specialist
Stefan is a Jersey boy who fled the Garden State for the good life in New England. After completing college in Connecticut, Stefan was on the search to find meaningful work in this world and a town to call home. That search took him to Vermont to learn carpentry, then to Colorado to learn strawbale building.
He moved back to the east coast to Massachusetts and worked for the E.F. Schumacher Society, a non-profit working to build healthy local economies. Stefan was pulled to Maine after his brother invited him on a two week adventure to paddle the Allagash and hike Mount Katahdin. After that trip, Stefan stuffed all his belongings into his beat-up Toyota Tercel with 300,000 miles on it and moved to Portland, ME.
For the past 10 years, Stefan has been in the field of sustainable heating solutions, with a focus on heat pumps. As a co-owner at ReVision Energy, Stefan gets to do meaningful work that integrates his interests in building, local economics, and sustainability. Stefan now lives in South Portland in a whole house heat pump house with his wife, Leigh, and his son, Miles (they like to call him “the Bub”). Stefan, Leigh, and “the Bub” like to explore Maine by biking, canoeing, camping, and cross country skiing.