ReVision Energy’s In-person Site Visit Policy
As every ReVision Energy co-owner is monitoring their own health each morning, we also request that you please let us know prior to our arrival on the day of your site visit if you or anybody in your home is not feeling well, or experiencing any symptoms. You are important to us, and we’ll be happy to reschedule with you as soon as it’s possible, or to conduct your site visit virtually.
During each visit, our team will take great care to follow relevant guidelines to minimize risks including washing or sanitizing hands. If requested, we will wear face coverings and maintain social distancing in all possible instances.
We respectfully request that you follow the below guidelines while we are at your home:
Prior to our arrival, please move or relocate any items, personal belongings or furniture which may impede access to electrical infrastructure (for example: electric panels) and home heating equipment.
Prior to our arrival, we will call with a specific arrival time. If possible, please come outside to meet us when we get there as we will be striving to have the majority of conversations outdoors where transmission risk is minimal.
In the event that there is an agreement that we need to enter the home, we will continue to wear masks and will also be wearing gloves. We ask that you continue to wear a mask in your own home and maintain a 6-foot distance. We will get the measurements and photos we need as quickly as possible and then return outside for a conversation if necessary.
There is never a requirement for us to enter your home during this Site Visit though we may ask that you take some photos of some areas on the interior of your home and send them to us so that we don’t have to enter. While outside your home we will take the photos and measurements that we need, and may also access your roof for measurements and a shading analysis.
As always, we’re grateful for the opportunity to partner in reducing our region’s reliance on fossil fuels. Rest assured, we’re doing everything in our power to provide you with a safe experience, and to provide a healthy environment for our co-owners and communities.