American Steel & Aluminum | Bath, ME
By the numbers:
System size: 541.9 kW (1129 solar panels)
System output: 621,014 kilowatt-hours/year
CO₂ reduction: 609,215 pounds/year
Year Completed: 2023
American Steel & Aluminum is a U.S.-based company serving as an innovative leader within the metals distribution and processing industry. In 2023, the business partnered with ReVision Energy to install 1,129 solar panels on the roof of their 52,000 square foot West Bath facility, which specializes in inventory storage as well as processing for the Defense industry.
This facility was built exclusively to support Bath Iron Works. Other Maine-based customers of American Aluminum & Steel include Hussey Seating Co. in North Berwick and Rockland manufacturer Fisher Engineering, owned by Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based Douglas Dynamics.
The energy generated from the 541.9 kW system is enough to cover 100% of the electrical load of American Steel & Aluminum’s three Maine facilities.