New Hampshire
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Part of ReVision Energy’s mission is “to embody principles of fairness and equity in all of our relationships.” Perhaps our most important relationship is with you, our customers / community, and so, we treat your data with a code of conduct that exceeds norms of the advertising industry in the United States.
We never collect more information than we need in order to serve you. Personally identifiable information is never shared with third parties, except for the purposes of providing you a service (e.g. with a lending vendor or product vendor). Anonymized data is occasionally shared for the purposes of research, education, or serving relevant content to similar internet users. We explicitly ask for ‘Opt In’ permission in order to send you marketing communications, and make it clear how to ‘Opt Out’ if you not longer wish to receive those communications.
If something feels creepy to us, we don’t do it.
Non-identifiable Session Data (IP Address, Cookies, Etc) We collect anonymous tracking data of website visits with cookies enabled, allowing us to analyze our website performance and make changes to improve the user experience. We capture non-personally identifiable IP and user session information for security purposes, such as analyzing malicious or questionable traffic. Third party vendors, including Google and Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to collect or receive information from our website and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. If you wish to opt-out of the use of the DoubleClick cookie for interest-based advertising, visit: Ads Settings. You can learn more about this form of internet advertising and how to opt-out at:
Any personally identifiable information voluntarily submitted to us via contact forms is used for purposes of answering said inquiries. We absolutely never share our lists with other vendors. We ask all users to ‘Opt In’ to receive communications. If you Opt in: You may receive email communications in compliance with CANSPAM Regulations. You may be part of a user subset who have their email addresses encrypted, anonymized and shared with vendors such as Google and Facebook for the purposes of creating advertising campaigns for similar groups of internet users (more about this form of advertising). This may sound a little dicey, but basically all it does it allow us to find like-minded people using computer algorithms. Your actually affinity group, tastes, demographic information, etc. is never reported back to us and the web vendors (Google, Facebook) do not actually know it was you who was part of this subset. Thank you for the trust that you put it us. If you have questions about any of this, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. Note: we cannot control the practices of sites linked to and from A link from our website to a 3rd-party website is not an endorsement of said website. We advise all users to abide by common-sense best practices for ‘safe’ web browsing.
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