Solar Support & FAQs

revision installed solar roof.jpegSolar PV and Solar Panel Guides & FAQs

ReVision Energy has installed thousands of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects for Solar Champions across New England. Our solar energy systems are efficient and typically require little to no maintenance. However, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your system so you notice any changes in efficiency. 

Understanding how your system works will help you troubleshoot when something goes wrong. Use our resources below to familiarize yourself with your solar and use our solar system troubleshooting guides and FAQs below to find solutions to common problems. 

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While solar systems can vary in design and installation, all of ReVision Energy's installed systems are made up of the following components:

  • Solar panels
  • Racking or mounting
  • Solar wiring
  • Inverters
  • Electric panel
  • Utility production meter
  • AC disconnect breaker
  • Communication (monitoring portal or gateway)

We highly recommend our Solar Champions get to know their system and where their components are located so that they can be prepared to identify any issues that may arise. One of our service technicians offers a walkthrough of a basic solar PV system:

A well-designed solar system can happily produce solar power for years without any issue. However, things can happen internally or externally to affect the production of your system, and it isn't always easy to tell what is wrong.

How do I know if my system is operating normally?

The simplest way to check on the health of your system is to look at the color of the lights on your inverter on a sunny day, when the system should be happily generating solar power. A green light on your inverter means your system is functioning properly.

🟢 Green light:
  • If the inverter has a solid green light, that means it is producing energy.
  • If the green light is flashing during the day when the sun is shining, that indicates a problem.
🔵 Blue light:
  • The blue light will be solid when the inverter is connected to the internet.
  • If you have a screened inverter the light will flash orange, and the screen should say S_ok when connected to the internet.
🔴 Red light
  • The red light indicates a fault. If you see a red light, be sure to take a picture and give us a call.
Where to locate the lights on your inverter:

inverter where to find lights.png

Another way to check that your system is operating correctly is to look at the production meter. You could write down the number on the meter once a week (or even once a month) to see how much energy you're producing.

Should I use my electric bill to check the health of my system?

Many solar owners rely solely on their electricity bill to indicate any problems with their solar system, but we don't recommend this. While it does provide a rough overview of production, it is not a reliable source for evaluating your system's health. Here's why:

  • Your bill does not offer a complete look at your production as it typically only shows how much power you exported to the grid, and how much you bought from the grid. It won't show how much solar power was generated in total, or how much of it you used in your home.
  • Your monthly or quarterly bill may not come frequently enough to alert you to an issue: it might be a long time before you realize something is wrong if you only look at your bill.  
  • Your bill is not a good source of short-term measurement since production and energy use vary so much from day to day and season to season. The amount of power generated daily by your solar panels varies depending on things like cloud cover and daily hours of sunlight. And the amount of power you use at home can also vary a lot from day to day. That makes it hard to compare one bill with another in order to figure out how well your solar panels are performing.

Why does my electric bill seem high?

The first step is to think about whether there has been any increase in home electricity usage in recent months. Did you get any new appliances, or start working from home?

The utility only measures generation in excess of what is used in the home during the sunny hours. If everything checks out and you still can’t explain the bills, you should make sure that the utility meter is working as a net meter should. To do this, you can test the meter:

  • Leave the solar on and turn the main breaker (to the home) off.
  • Check the utility meter to see if it is reading power back to the grid (check which direction the meter arrow is going).
  • Then turn the power (to the home) back on and turn the solar off.* The meter arrow should be going in the opposite direction.

This will let you know the meter is Net Metering. If there is an issue with the net metering set-up, you will need to contact your utility; we cannot make that correction.

*The proper way to turn the solar off is to turn the DC disconnect switch on the inverter to the "Off" position, then flip the AC disconnect breaker to the "Off" position. To turn it back on, do the reverse: Turn the AC disconnect breaker to the "On" position, then turn the DC disconnect switch on the inverter to the "On" position. It may take up to 10 minutes for the inverter to fully power on again, and it is best to do this when the sun is shining on the array.

How do the seasons impact operation?

In New England, solar panels will yield the highest production during the summer months, followed by fall and spring. As the angle of the sun changes throughout the year relative to your roof and panels, it affects the amount of energy your solar panels can produce.


Peak operation occurs during a few weeks in the spring when the weather is cool and there is minimal shade from leafy trees. At this time of year your system may exhibit 'clipping.'

graph showing the effect of inverter clipping

Graph above shows the effect of clipping. When the B area of lost production due to clipping starts to exceed the area of added production A & C by over-driving the inverter, then we would recommend the next size up in inverter capacity.

Solar inverter clipping occurs when solar panels generate more power than an inverter can handle. Systems are intentionally designed for clipping because it maximizes production during the majority of the year. It ensures that production happens during lower-light situations or with less-than-perfect panel orientation.

In the spring, pollen may settle on the panels, but it will wash away with the morning dew, or in light rain. There is no need to clean your panels unless build-up is severe (see FAQs below).


Normal debris will wash away in rain, if you have debris accumulating on or under the array, keep an eye out for nesting animals and notify us if you see evidence of animals living under the array.


Leaves and pollen will slide off the array in rainy conditions. This is another prime production season.


When the array is covered in snow, it cannot produce power. The array is designed to account for snowy winter days, and this “lost” production time is compensated for during the clear, sunnier months. You should not attempt to clear snow and ice from the panels.

What can I expect after a power outage?

The inverter will stop producing power when it senses a grid outage in order to protect line workers. When the power comes back on, the inverter should resume production. If it doesn’t, please check for tripped breakers.

Sometimes a power outage disconnects the internet. In this case, if your system does not come back online when the power comes on, please try resetting your internet connection on your inverter by following the troubleshooting guides below.

If you are concerned that your system is not functioning properly, the best thing to do is power-cycle or reset your system using our manufacturer-specific guides below.

We recommend resetting your communication system and inverter before contacting our service team as it may save you time and money. If resetting your system does not solve your issue, take a look at our FAQs below before contacting our support team.

Communication Troubleshooting:

If you are seeing issues with your system's production on your app or online monitoring, there may be a problem with the flow of information from your inverter to your internet router. Resetting your communication can often solve any data issues due to a broken connection or lost Wi-Fi signal.

Resetting a TP-Link

Here are the TP-Link reset instructions:

  1. Unplug both TP-Links, plug them back in next to each other and click the "Pair" button on both devices at the same time.
  2. The green lights should blink as they attempt to find each other, and 2 of the three will turn solid green when communications are back online.
  3. You can then put the TP-Links back where they were. All 3 lights will be solid green when they are plugged back into their ethernet cables. Please allow a half day to pass before checking to see if your monitoring is reconnected (and check when the sun is out). 

If this does not reconnect your monitoring, a hard reset of your internet router is recommended. 

Keep in mind that TPLinks need to be plugged in directly to a wall outlet, a power-strip or extension cord will disrupt the signal.

Resetting a Zigbee

If the power light is SOLID green, then we should just need to reset the Zigbee (aka SolarEdge gateway) connection. The solid green light would indicate that your system is still producing, it's just simply not reporting to the monitoring portal.

On occasion, the inverter can lose the monitoring connection that is established by the Zigbee. Below are the instructions to reset that gateway. I've also included a couple of images of the Zigbee below for reference along with the step-by-step directions. We also have a helpful video that walks through these steps here: Zigbee Power Cycle

  1. Unplug the ethernet cord from the Zigbee that connects to the router.
  2. Press and hold the red button on the side of the Zigbee until all the lights illuminate, then let go. 
  3. The lights should flash for about five minutes or less.
  4. If the Zigbee successfully linked to the inverter, the "Link" light should flash every five seconds.
  5. Once linked, plug the ethernet cable back into the Zigbee.
  6. When connection has been reset, you should see the "S_OK" solid green light on the ZigBee, as well as "S_OK" on your inverter screen.

After cycling, it may take until the next day for production data to start reporting again. Please reach out to our team if you have any questions.

Resetting a Wi-Fi Zigbee Gateway

How to reset your WiFi Zigbee Gateway:

  1. Turn the “DC Disconnect Switch” (the black power nob) below the Inverter to the OFF position.
  2. Turn the solar circuit breakers in your main electrical (or sub) panel to the OFF position.
  3. Wait fifteen minutes for the inverter to fully power down.
  4. Reboot/Restart your home internet router.
  5. Unplug the power cord from the modem and router, let them sit for 60 seconds, then plug the cords back in.
  6. Once your router is rebooted turn the Solar breaker back on
  7. Turn the DC Disconnect switch back on.
  8. Allow 5 minutes for wake up.
Resetting a WiFi Extender

Here's how to reset your WiFi Extender:

  • Disconnect the Wi-Fi extender and plug it in near the router/modem
  • Click the WPS button on your router, and then click the WPS button on the extender
  • Their lights will blink, and when the blinking stops, they should be linked
  • Bring the extender back to its location and reconnect it to the inverter

Inverter Troubleshooting:

If you suspect your system is not performing the way it should, a simple power-cycle will often solve the issue. Completing a system reset may clear the issue and get your inverter back online, with no need to pay for a service visit. Please select your inverter manufacturer and use our guide to reset your system:

Resetting a SolarEdge Inverter

If you have a SolarEdge HD Wave or A-US Inverter displaying error codes or a SetApp inverter displaying a red fault light, then power cycling is a good next step. There are some error codes (Ground Faults and Isolation Errors) where it does not make sense for safety reasons. In those cases, contact ReVision's Customer Support team.

How to power cycle a SolarEdge inverter:

Please go to your inverter to confirm whether the green power light is illuminated during the day.

If the power light is SOLID green, indicating production, please skip to the section below about the gateway reset.

If the power light is NOT SOLID green - blinking or off would mean no production - please power cycle the inverter:

  1. Turn off the red toggle switch (located in the middle left of the inverter) by moving it from "1" to "0"
  2. Turn off the black rotary knob (located on the bottom half of the inverter)
  3. Turn off the circuit breaker (located near the inverter)
  4. Wait for all lights on the inverter to turn off
  5. Then turn the circuit breaker back on
  6. Turn the black rotary knob back on
  7. Turn the red toggle switch on by moving it back to "1"

The inverter will start to turn back on and may take a few minutes to reboot. Please wait 10 minutes before checking the lights and screens for errors. You should see the main screen as normal or the red fault light clear once the reboot is complete with no error message.

If this does not resolve the issue, please contact our Customer Support team. If your inverter has a screen, please take a photo of any error messages that display while the inverter is rebooting and include them in your service ticket.

Resetting an Enphase Inverter

We recommend using Enphase's comprehensive troubleshooting guide for any issues with your system: Enphase System Troubleshooting Guide

Resetting an SMA Inverter

ReVision installs SMA Sunny Boy inverters for many ground mount systems. If you have an SMA Sunny Boy inverter, use the guide below to troubleshoot error messages and reset your inverter. 

Common Error Messages

If you are seeing Ground/Earth Faults or Isolation Errors, do not attempt to power cycle your device because of electrical hazards. Please contact our Customer Support Team.

  • Arc Fault Detected/Check DC Generator/AFCI detected: Power-cycle the inverter (see instructions below), and watch the inverter screen after rebooting it. You should see a prompt to knock on the inverter to officially clear the error code.
  • Unstable Operation: This typically is caused by snow on panels, when there is not enough input on the DC side. If your panels are clear of snow, get in touch with our Customer Support Team.
  • Fac-Bfr (Grid Frequency Disturbance): This will happen when the power is out, or if the inverter has disconnected from the power distribution grid. It could also be caused by a tripped breaker or blown fuse. To resolve, first check your breaker (if possible) and then contact our Customer Support Team. 
  • K-1 Open: This error requires a replacement. Please contact our Customer Support Team with a photo of the error code to start the replacement process.
How to Power-Cycle your SMA Sunny Boy Inverter:
  1. Turn off the DC disconnect. This is a dial (black or white) located on the underside or along the side of the inverter. Simply turn it to the “off” position.
  2. Turn off your system’s AC disconnect. This is located outside next to your utility meter. Look for a grey box labeled AC Disconnect with a lever that you’ll pull down into the “off” position. If you do not see a grey box labeled AC disconnect, look for a breaker underneath your Net Meter (ConnectDER).  You will need to turn the breaker off.  To do this, unscrew the grey cover to access the breaker. See reference photos.
  3. Wait 5 minutes and then turn them back on in reverse order. Throw the AC lever or breaker back to the “on” position and turn the dial on the inverter back to the “on” position.
  4. If you are resetting an “Arc Detect” code. Watch the inverter screen after rebooting it for the Knocking icon to illuminate and knock on the inverter to clear the code.

After these steps, the inverter will start to turn back on and may take a couple minutes to reboot. You should see the main screen as normal once the reboot is complete with no error message. If the issue persists, please contact our Customer Support Team.

Why does my monitor report a different output than the credit from the utility?

An important part of understanding your solar array is to understand that your net meter records only energy that is exported to the grid. Energy that is used immediately on site, as it is produced (running your refrigerator for example) is never recorded on the net meter, because it is used in real-time!

That production is still recorded by your solar inverter, but will not appear as an export to the utility. This is why you'll see a higher number of production in your online monitoring than on your record with the utility.

On older systems we’ve installed (2017 or older) you may have an additional piece of equipment called an AC production meter. The AC production meter generally has a stricter tolerances for what it records as energy, so may differ slightly from the solar inverter’s monitoring on these systems.

SolarEdge and most modern inverters now offer ‘revenue grade monitoring’ (important for RECs, which we talk about below) so we don’t install AC production meters on as many projects anymore.

Help! My online monitoring stopped working. Is my system's down?

99% of the time if your online dashboard is down, your system is still working normally. Solar panels, unlike the internet, are quite reliable! Look at the lights on your inverter to see the issue based on the light color (green, blue, or red). At the top of this page we list the errors indicated by the lights.

The most common reasons your solar array stopped talking to the internet dashboard:

  • Wired internet is disconnected. Plug it back in!
  • You've changed either internet providers or passwords on your router - or gotten a new wireless router. Update the wireless password for your solar communications device.
  • The software in the communications device glitched, and you should try rebooting the unit.

See our service videos (scroll down to PV service) for walkthroughs on rebooting the most common equipment we install.

Why did my Solar Tracker go flat?

If solar trackers detect severe weather (cold, high winds), it will go flat.

Why do I have to pay you to remove my system? 

Our technicians are highly skilled electricians and are certified in the handling of photovoltaic system components. They will be able to remove the system permanently with the least damage to system components, and without risking damage to your home as they will carefully seal all roof penetrations to prevent water damage after the removal and before roof repair. We want to be able to continue offering our services to our customers for years to come, which means we have to be able to pay our co-owners to do this work. That’s why we charge our regular hourly service rate for the labor to remove old systems even if you’ll be replacing it with a new one. If you would like to shop for another contractor to remove the system at a lower rate, you are free to do so. 

Why should I have ReVision Energy remove it instead of my contractor? 

Many contractors are not comfortable working with solar panels because of their unique electricity generating capacity. If you have a contractor who is comfortable working with solar panels, you are welcome to compare their quote to ours. We have also learned that solar components can be very difficult to dispose of, so I would encourage you to make sure that your contractor has a disposal plan. As a B Corp, sustainability is always on the forefront of our operating procedures. We have established relationships with companies that recycle materials of all kinds, and we will recycle nearly all components of the system including racking, wiring, and the solar panels themselves.  

What happens to my system after you remove it? 

ReVision Energy recycles all components of decommissioned solar projects that cannot be reused. We are actively working to partner with organizations that can resell out-dated or low efficiency solar panels that are still functioning. When resale is not a viable option, we are prepared to recycle the parts.