Service Guides & FAQs

System Support: Guides & FAQs

Having trouble with your solar system? We're here to help.

The simplest way to check on the health of your system is to look at the color of the lights on your inverter on a sunny day, when the system should be happily generating solar power. A green light on your inverter means your system is functioning properly.

🟢 Green light:
  • If the inverter has a solid green light, that means it is producing energy.
  • If the green light is flashing during the day when the sun is shining, that indicates a problem.
🔵 Blue light:
  • The blue light will be solid when the inverter is connected to the internet.
  • If you have a screened inverter the light will flash orange, and the screen should say S_ok when connected to the internet.
🔴 Red light
  • The red light indicates a fault. If you see a red light, be sure to take a picture and give us a call.

If you are concerned that your system is not functioning properly, the best thing to do is power-cycle or reset your system (see our inverter guides below). Resetting your system before contacting our service team may save you time and money. 

If resetting your system does not solve your issue, explore our solar and heat pump support pages, or take a look at our FAQs below.

Resetting your Inverter:

If you suspect your system is not performing the way it should, often times a simple power-cycle will solve the issue. Completing a system reset may clear the issue and get your inverter back online, with no need to pay for a service visit.

Inverter Troubleshooting & FAQs →


Guides & FAQS:

Get to know your system, or find answers to common FAQs about your products. If you have additional questions, contact our support team and we will help you as soon as we can

Solar PV Guides & FAQs →
Heat Pump Support and FAQs →

General Service FAQs:

Will ReVision fix my system if it breaks?

Yes. If ReVision installed the system, we'll fix it if it breaks.  

We have a dedicated team of Certified Service Technicians with decades of collective experience in solar and HVAC. We also offer 24/7 emergency phone support, ready to assist you with any urgent issues regardless of warranty status. They can diagnose problems remotely and schedule on-site repairs if necessary.    

We recommend you regularly check your system's monitoring portal to make sure everything functions correctly. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact our service department. Whether it's a minor issue or a major repair, our service team can handle it. We understand that investing in solar is a long-term commitment, and we're here to support you throughout the life of your system.  

Does ReVision Energy service systems not installed by ReVision?

Currently we only service systems that were installed by ReVision Energy.

If you have a system that was not installed by ReVision, but we have serviced it in the past, please indicate that when you reach out to us. 

Do I need to clear snow off of my panels in the winter?

Nope!  Thankfully we live in a climate where it rains often enough that we don’t have to worry about dust or pollen build-up on the panels. We also don’t recommend cleaning snow off your array. Because the panels are black and glass, they act like a metal roof or car windshield and the snow will typically melt and slide off all at once after a few hours. We take regional snow coverage into account when we size your array, so even if you lose a few days of production every winter to snow, you should still be hitting your annual clean energy goals.

We have a whole article about solar panels in the winter. You can read it here: Snow on solar panels.

Do I need to clean dust or pollen from my panels?

Clean solar panels help ensure your solar project generate optimal electricity. Silfab and QCELL panels are designed for minimal maintenance, however dust, pollen, leaves, and other particles can find their way onto the panel surfaces. We do our best to install our solar projects at sufficient angles, so that regular levels of rainfall should clean panels naturally without requiring intervention.

If pollen or dust lingers for several days, you can use a hose to gently spray down your panels to help wash away the debris. We don't recommend trying to clean your panels using chemicals, sharp objects or abrasive cloths as you might harm the surface and possibly void the manufacturer warranty. Always be safe and don't lean on or apply pressure to your panels as this can cause damage to them. 

If you need to clean your panels, keep the following in mind:

  1. Panel cleaning should be carried out before reaching working temperature i.e., early morning and must only be cleaned with water at ambient temperature to avoid thermal shock.
  2. A standard flexible garden hose with domestic water pressure may be used to apply as much water to the panel or array as necessary, allowing the water to run down the entire surface. Ensure the water used is free from grit and physical contaminants that could damage the panel surface.

You can find more information about cleaning your panels in this PDF. 

What happens when I lose power?

Unless you have solar back up storage, your solar system won't produce energy when the power is out.  If your power goes out, contact your utility company to be sure they are aware of the outage.

Once the power is back on, here are a few steps you can take to check your system and make sure it’s working as usual:

  • You may need to reset your internet connection to re-establish monitoring communication. Unplug your router for about 5 minutes and then plug it back in. It can take your monitoring a day or so to come back online.
  • Take a look at your inverter. If the display looks normal, great! Your system is working properly and producing clean solar energy. If there’s an error code or a red fault light, you may need to power cycle or reset your inverter.
How long will my solar panels last?

Our solar panels are warrantied for 25 years but are expected to last over 30 years.

What happens when solar panels die? Can they be recycled?

Solar panels are 95% recyclable which is huge – washing machines are only 70% recyclable but everyone has one! So they really can be recycled, we just don’t have the big recycling plants for them yet in this country (they have them in Europe). 

The biggest barrier to solar panel recycling in this country is the cost; we need to work towards government policies that encourage solar panel recycling. As we move toward a higher adoption and solar panels age more, this will advance. At ReVision, we have team members working on a process to recycle solar panels when they reach the end of their productive lifespan. We will keep our community updated on our progress! 

Learn more about what happens to solar panels when they die here.

What happens when I need to replace my roof?

If your roof needs replacing in the next 5 or so years, we recommend replacing the roof first and then getting your solar array installed. Otherwise, the solar panels increase the lifespan of the roof by acting as a sort of protective layer, shielding it from the elements.

If your roof ends up needing to be replaced after solar panels have been installed, we can come out and remove the panels and then re-install them. There is a labor fee associated with this.

I need more solar power! Can I add panels to my existing array?

Absolutely! You can either attach more panels to your existing array, or (if  you live in Maine) you can buy a share of a Community Solar Farm (CSF) to supplement your current array. Many of our Maine customers opt to go the CSF route, but we can help you find the best option for your home and energy needs.

Similarly, if you install heat pumps or buy an Electric Vehicle and your electric load goes up, our team can design an expansion for you.

Warranty FAQs:

What warranties does ReVision provide on equipment and installation work?

Our solar installations come with two warranties: a workmanship warranty and a manufacturer warranty.  

The bottom line is that any service needed within our workmanship warranty period will be free.

Workmanship warranty:  

Coverage: This warranty covers the quality of the installation work. This includes any damage or problems that can be traced back to the installation process, such as improperly installed footings, wiring issues, or roof penetrations. All operational matters directly related to our work, such as roof leaks in areas where we installed the solar panels, are covered under this warranty. However, our workmanship warranty does not cover damage, costs, losses, and expenses related to energy savings (like utility bills) or accessories (appliances, water damage to furniture, etc.).  

Duration: ReVision offers a 10-year workmanship warranty in Massachusetts and a 5-year workmanship warranty in Maine and New Hampshire for solar installations.  

Manufacturer's warranty:   

Coverage: This warranty covers defects due to manufacturing in the system's components, such as panels, inverters, and other equipment.   

Duration: Both our QCELLS and Silfab panel module options have a 25-year product warranty and performance guarantee.  

Performance guarantees: Performance guarantees are a promise that your solar panels won’t lose their efficiency too quickly over time. Essentially, this means the panels are guaranteed to produce a certain amount of power for a specific number of years.

Overlap and coordination:  

Labor costs: The manufacturer's warranty covers the equipment but not the labor to fix problems. However, ReVision's workmanship warranty covers labor costs for fulfilling the manufacturer's warranties.  

Post-workmanship warranty repairs: After the workmanship warranty expires, you'll need to cover labor costs for repairs under the manufacturer's warranty. The manufacturer warranty will still cover replacement parts.  

Does ReVision cover their workmanship warranty or outsource it to a third-party company?

We cover our workmanship warranty in-house and do not outsource it to a third-party company. This means that our own employees will perform any repairs or maintenance.   

Who provides the service for manufacturer's warranties?

ReVision provides the service for manufacturer's warranties on our systems. You will not need to deal directly with the manufacturer. 

Our service department coordinates with manufacturers to process warranty claims and facilitate the application process for replacement components.  We handle the entire process, including diagnosing the issue, obtaining replacement parts from the manufacturer, and performing the necessary repairs or replacements. 

Repairs and maintenance must be performed by authorized technicians or contractors recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, ReVision serves as the authorized service provider.  

Are there any conditions or actions that could void the manufacturer's warranty?

Some conditions and actions could void the manufacturer's warranty on your solar system. Warranty terms can differ between companies, so it's crucial to obtain specific details from each installer you're considering.  

Unauthorized modifications or repairs:  

  • Unauthorized personnel: Any modifications or repairs made by unauthorized personnel or contractors can void the warranty. It's essential to have all work performed by ReVision or another qualified professional approved by the manufacturer.  
  • DIY repairs: Attempting to do any repairs or modifications yourself can also void the warranty. Always contact ReVision for any maintenance or repair needs.  

Physical damage:  

  • Improper tools and operation: Using tools like roof rakes or shovels to clear snow or debris can damage the panels and void the warranty. It's best to let natural elements like rain handle cleaning.  
  • Natural disasters: Damage caused by weather, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or falling debris, is not covered by the warranty. These instances should be addressed through your homeowner's insurance. Make sure to inform your insurance company that you have installed a solar system.  
  • Normal wear and tear: Thermal expansions and contractions and daily operational stressors (like buildup of debris or dust, typical weather conditions, etc.). 
  • Animals: Failing to install critter guards can lead to damage by animals and potentially void the warranty. 
Can the warranties be transferred if I sell my home?

Yes, if you sell your home, the warranties on your solar system can be transferred to the new homeowner.  

Workmanship warranty: ReVision's workmanship warranty is transferable to the new homeowner. The new owner will benefit for the remaining duration.  

Manufacturer warranties: The manufacturer's warranties on the equipment (such as solar panels and inverters) are also transferable. These warranties stay with the asset and remain valid for the remaining time.    

We ask that the new homeowner reaches out to their respective ReVision branch once the sale is final. This allows us to update our records with their contact information to make sure they receive any necessary system updates and support.  

Contact the equipment manufacturer to facilitate the warranty transfer.

Battery Storage FAQs:

If you have a Tesla battery, please reach out to Tesla with any issues or questions that cannot be answered with our FAQs. While we are happy to initiate a conversation with Tesla on your behalf, it is often most helpful for our customers to connect with Tesla's support staff in the initial stages of troubleshooting. We are more than willing to support with anything that requires on-site work and will only refer you to Tesla if we anticipate that step could save you time and money.

Powerwall Tesla customer service:
How can I monitor my Tesla Powerwall?

During the process of setting up your Powerwall, we should have set up an account on your behalf which links up your device with their mobile app. This App is the only way to get full features and functionality from your Powerwall.

The app is available for both Apple and Android devices:

If you have no mobile device, you can monitor the Powerwall in a limited way through a computer connected to the same local network as the Powerwall.  The method works only for a machine on the same local network- no remote access.  This method also does not allow mobile specific features like push notifications of power outages and storm watch mode.

Local monitoring instructions:

You will need to know their Gateway serial number for basic monitoring, as well as your Tesla account login info to change settings like the wifi password.

What do the lights on my Tesla Powerwall indicate?

Lights are solid: Communicating

Lights are blinking: No data is transferring to the Tesla App

Lights are pulsing: Discharging or charging

What does an "Open Breaker Alert" mean?

If you accidentally leave your Tesla Powerwall circuit breaker open --meaning your Powerwall circuit breaker is in the off position -- this can prevent the Powerwall from operating. It can also cause the Powerwall to slowly deplete its power reserve, which can require service.

Customers will receive an alert through their mobile app if an open breaker is detected. The app will show you the link to Tesla’s Troubleshooting website section, which will then prompt you to restart your Powerwall.  

What do I do if my Tesla Powerwall isn't reporting any data?

Did you make any changes to your WiFi network (i.e. new router, new network name or password)? If yes, you may need to reconnect your Backup Gateway to your new network. Instructions can be found here.

If you did not make changes to your WiFi network, or the above instructions do not work, please call Tesla directly. ReVision has limited access to your Tesla app, and going through Tesla's customer support will ensure your issue is resolved quickly.

How do I contact Tesla customer support?

If you need to contact Tesla's customer support, call (877) 961-7652 and press 2 for Powerwall service and troubleshooting.

Renewable Energy Credit (REC) FAQs:

What the heck is a REC?

REC stands for Renewable Energy Credit.

It essentially is a certification of the ‘green’ qualities of your solar array. Your solar array has the literal value that it provides to you in the form of electricity that is either used in your home, or sent to the grid.

It also has value in terms of the benefits it provides the world by offsetting carbon energy. This is what the REC stands for. You earn 1 REC = 1,000 kilowatt-hours of solar generated.

Cool, so why should I care?

You can sell your solar RECs to utility companies to help them meet their requirements to purchase a certain amount of clean energy per Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS).

Utility companies can meet their RPS requirements for the state (exact % varies in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts) by either building their own renewable energy plants, or purchasing RECs either from bigger projects or from solar producers such as yourself. Alternatively, if they fail to purchase enough RECs they pay a penalty (called Alternative Compliance Payment, ACP) which is funding the state uses to offer renewable programs.

How do I get started selling my RECs?

Yep, you can earn a little bit more financial return for your solar array by selling RECs to an interested party.

Here are some rough values for RECs various states:

  • Maine: 1 REC = $15
  • New Hampshire: 1 REC = $15
  • Massachusetts: 1 REC = $120 * Not actually a REC, but an approximation of the SMART program… erhm… more on that in a moment!

Customers often choose to sell their RECs, and gain an additional incentive to offset the cost of their solar array. Your solar inverter will be able to electronically report your production to NEPOOL, the organization that mints the RECs. However, in order to receive monetary benefit from these credits, you will want to work with an aggregator who will sell the RECs on your behalf.

We typically work with Knollwood Energy. They monetize the RECs that you have produced and send you a check on a quarterly basis. They'll charge a nominal fee for this service, check with them/their website for latest information.

If you prefer not to sell, you are able to Retire your RECs. Retiring the RECs is cost free and involves setting up your own accounts with NEPOOL and the NH PUC. ReVision can guide you through both of these applications. Once set up, your RECs will report electronically to NEPOOL, mint, and then naturally expire over time. There is no additional monetary benefit to retire them, but you retain ownership of the RECS so this option also prevents the utilities from claiming your RECs without paying for them. 

Why would I retire my RECs?

Technically, if you have sold your RECs, you have sold the “Green” properties of your solar array. It is no longer accurate to say, “I have clean power produced by sunshine” because your system’s clean energy properties have been sold to another party (the utility). This prevents “Double dipping” where the utility is able to count renewable credits from your array but then you also are claiming to have green properties for your solar energy.

However! Just because you retire your RECs, doesn't mean your solar isn't doing great things for the environment! Obviously the solar production is the same either way. RECs are an excellent way to add additional financial incentives for you to go solar (improving your ROI).

What is SMART and how is it different from REC?

Massachusetts has run its REC program differently from other New England states. Historically, they had a “SREC” (Solar Renewable Energy Credit) program, which provided a special carve-out in the REC program for Solar projects.

It gets (super) complicated, but in short REC markets have a variety of forms of renewable energy that enter into it, including sources like biomass, hydroelectric, wind, and of course, solar.

Markets that have a special ‘carve out’ for solar typically lead to a higher REC value for Solar RECs — which has been the case in Massachusetts. However there were some limitations with the SREC program, namely that the subscriptions eventually got filled which made the incentive go away.

SMART was crafted to replace SREC with a more long-term approach. SMART offers similar benefits as SRECs — a financial payment per 1,000 kWh of solar produced.

The SMART program is available to customers with National Grid, Eversource, or Unitil as their electricity provider.  In towns served by MLPs (Municipal Light Plants), a separate program exists through the Department of Energy Resources.

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